Get your first ring muscle-up with just 3 sessions a week.
This Train Your Weakness FOCUSED programming will have you above those rings in 6 weeks.
Active Hang from Rings (Regular & False Grip)
1 x 1:30
Midline Strength (3 mins)
Alternate between: Hollow Hold for 20seconds, rest 10 seconds and Superman Hold for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds Repeat for 3 rounds for a total time of 3 minutes. Coach's Notes: If too difficult, reduce to 10sec of work and 20sec rest for the 4 minutes. Think of pushing your ribs down and tilting your pelvis up to create a hollow position. Think of creating length between top of head and toes to get a good superman position. Body awareness: Ingraining key positions of the muscle up kip - hollow position and superman position.
Ring Muscle Ups: Kipping Swing on Rings
7 x 3
Kipping Ring Muscle Up
1 x MAX @ 2:00
Strict Pull-Ups
5 x MAX
Top of Ring Dip Hold + Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
1 x 2:00
Strict Ring Dips
8 x 8
Banded Ring Muscle Up Transitions
8 x 1
Strict Ring Pull-Ups
8 x 8
Top of Ring Dip Hold + Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
4 x 0:20
Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
4 x MAX
Ring Muscle Ups: Hollow Body Lat Pushdown
4 x 8
Strict Ring Dips
4 x MAX
Brent has been a CrossFit Regionals athlete since 2013 and a CrossFit Games athlete since 2016. He is nicknamed "The Professor" because of his deliberate and thoughtful approach to training. He also started The Professor Project in 2018, helping athletes become more efficient in movement, mindset, and more.
By focusing on Brent's weaknesses, they qualified for the CrossFit® Games and landed on the podium. The caliber of athletes Bobby Dee has coached is matched by his own personal achievements. He holds a Masters in Chiropractic, has elite history in the military, podium finisher in Australia’s Strongest Man, completed an Iron Man, an ultramarathon and competed at a high level in rugby and CrossFit®.
2-time CrossFit® Games individual competitor and 9-time regionals athlete, Jeremy is a Level 2 Certified CrossFit® Trainer and owner of CrossFit® Vernon in Vernon, BC, Canada. Jeremy made his first trip to the CrossFit® Games in Carson, California, following that with a repeat trip in 2012.